Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Iom Report

IOM Report NRS-430V November 1, 2011 IOM Report The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is an independent, nonprofit organization that works outside of government to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public. It asks and answers the nation’s most pressing questions about health and health care through studies, their expert consensus committees, and convening a series of forums, roundtables, and standing committees, as well as other activities.These facilitate discussion, discovery, and critical, cross-disciplinary thinking. Their aim is to help those in government and the private sector make informed health decisions by providing evidence upon which they can rely (IOM, 2012). In 2010, Congress passed and the President signed into law comprehensive health care legislation, collectively referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which gives the United States an opportunity to transform its health care system to provide higher-quality, safer, more aff ordable, and more accessible care.Recognizing that the nursing profession faces several challenges in fulfilling the promise of a reformed health care system and meeting the nation’s health needs, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the IOM completed a 2 year initiative on the future of nursing. The report contains recommendations for an action-oriented blueprint for the future of nursing, including changes in public and institutional policies at the national, state, and local levels.The passage of the ACA, the IOM report, and its recommendations have an immense impact on nursing education, nursing practice – especially in the primary care setting, and the roles of nurses in leadership. The emergency department in which I work is progressively changing its practice to meet the goals of the IOM report. It is important that nurses achieve higher levels of education and training as well as practicing to the full extent of their education and training (IOM, 2012). Ma jor changes in the U.S. health care system and practice environment will require equally profound changes in the education of nurses both before and after they receive their license. An improved education system is necessary to ensure that the current and future generations of nurses can deliver safe, quality, patient-centered care across all settings, especially in such areas as primary care and community and public health. Recommendations in the IOM report have a huge impact on nursing education (IOM, 2012).My hospital, which is a Magnet facility, is now mandating that all employed nurses obtain their BSN in nursing by 2018, which is two years earlier than the IOM’s recommendation that 80 percent of registered nurses nationwide have their BSN by 2020. The IOM also recommends that diploma and ADN nurses obtain their BSN earlier in their careers. Studies found that BSN graduates reported significantly higher levels of preparation in evidence-based practice, research skills, a nd assessment of gaps in areas such as teamwork, collaboration, and practice (Kovner et al, 2010).A more educated nursing workforce would be better equipped to meet the demands of hospital settings that continue to grow more complex, and nurses must make critical decisions associated with care for sicker, frailer patients. Higher levels of education for nurses have an impact on nursing practice. As seen in the IOM reports recommendations, nursing practice is being affected by the following barriers: Fragmentation of the health care system.There is a disconnect between public and private services, between providers and patients, between what patients need and how providers are trained, between the health needs of the nation and the services that are offered, and between those with insurance and those without (Stevens, 1999). Without the presence of nurses in decision-making positions in new entities, the legacy of undervaluing nurses, will carry over in to new systems. Nurses must be properly and transparently valued so that their contributions can fully benefit the entire system.High rates of turnover among nurses. High turnover rates have been shown to be related to personal or family reasons (especially for nurses younger than 50), work environment (staff shortages, increasing workloads, poor improvement processes), disruptive behavior (verbal abuse, physical assault, sexual harassment). Difficulties for nurses transitioning from school to practice. New nursing students need programs that place a greater focus on managing the transitions from school to practice.Studies show a need to develop skills in ways to organize work and establish priorities, communicate with physicians and other professionals as well as their patients and their families, and develop leadership and technical skills in order to provide quality care (Beecroft et al. , 2001, 2004; Halfer and Graf, 2006). Demographic challenges. The combination of age, gender, race/ethnicity, and life expe riences provides individuals with unique perspectives that can contribute to advancing the nursing profession and providing better care to patients. AACN,2010a). Although the number of younger RNs has recently begun to grow, the increase is not expected to be large enough to offset the number of RNs anticipated to retire over the next 15 years (Buerhaus et al. , 2009b). Although more men are being drawn to nursing, especially as a second career, the profession needs to continue efforts to recruit men. Their unique perspectives and skills are important to the profession and will help contribute additional diversity to the workforce.To provide more culturally relevant care, the current nursing workforce will need to become more diverse by increasing the diversity of the nursing student body. Regulations defining scope-of-practice limitations. Practice boundaries are constantly changing with the emergence of new technologies, evolving patient expectations, and workforce issues (Daly, 2 007). The shift towards expansion of scope-of-practice regulations and been incremental and variable. The nursing profession has evolved more rapidly than the public policies that affect it.State and federal policies and regulations need to continue to expand the legal authority of health care workers to provide health care that accords with their education, training, and competencies (AARP, 2010a). The IOM committee believes that now is the time to finally eliminate the outdated regulations and organizational and cultural barriers that limit nurses’ abilities. Strong nursing leadership is needed to help with the changes that are being enacted with the passage of the ACA.Strong nursing leadership is needed to help with the changes that are being enacted with the passage of the ACA. All nurses, from students, to bedside and community nurses, to CNOs and members of nursing organizations, to researchers, must develop leadership competencies and serve as full partners with physic ians and other health professionals in efforts to improve the health care system and the delivery of care. Being a full partner requires leadership skills and competencies that must be applied within the profession and in collaboration with other health professionals.Nurses must see policy as something they can shape rather than something that happens to them. They should have a voice in health policy decision making and be engaged in implementation efforts related to health care reform. Nurses also should serve actively on advisory committees, commissions, and boards where policy decisions are made to advance health systems to improve patient care (IOM, 2012). With the passage of the ACA and the IOM reports recommendations, nursing in healthcare will continue to be transformed as the system in overhauled.Continued and higher nursing education, transforming nursing practice that overcomes barriers, and nursing leadership based with the belief that they are the shapers of their profe ssions destiny will ultimately help to bring the vision of the IOM report to reality. References AACN. 2010. Enhancing diversity in the nursing workforce: Fact sheet updated March 2010. http://www. aacn. nche. edu/Media/FactSheets/diversity. htm (accessed July 1, 2010). AARP. 2010a. AARP 2010 policy supplement: Scope of practice for advanced practice registered nurses. ttp://championnursing. org/sites/default/files/2010%20AARPPolicySupplementSco peofPractice. pdf (accessed September 10, 2010). Beecroft, P. C. , L. Kunzman, and C. Krozek. 2001. RN internship: Outcomes of a one-year pilot program. Journal of Nursing Administration 31(12):575-582. Buerhaus, P. I. , D. I. Auerbach, and D. O. Staiger. 2009b. The recent surge in nurse employment: Causes and implications. Health Affairs 28(4):w657-668. Daly, R. 2007. Psychiatrists, allies defeat psychology-prescribing bills.Psychiatric News 42(16):6. IOM. 2010. A summary of the December 2009 Forum on the Future of Nursing: Care in the comm unity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Kovner, C. T. , C. S. Brewer, S. Yingrengreung, and S. Fairchild. 2010. New nurses’ views of quality improvement education. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 36(1):29-35. Stevens, R. 1999. In sickness and wealth, American hospitals in the twentieth century. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Impact of Human Resource and Operational Management Practices on Company Productivity: a Longitudinal Study

Article 1: The Impact of Human Resource and Operational Management Practices on Company Productivity: A Longitudinal Study Dana Cuffee BSA 523 Operations Management and Analysis August 31, 2009 Dr. Woo This article talks about human resource and the operational management practices on a company productivity. This paper reports on the study that evaluates the individual and collective impact on manufacturing performance of the seven managerial practices most associated with these theoretical perspectives: empowerment, training, teamwork, total quality management, just in time, advanced manufacturing, technology, and supply chain partnering. There was little or no evidence related to a company performance in longitudinal practices to show companies that adopted specific practices to improve their performances. A study was conducted by Birdi, Clegg, Patterson, Robinson, Stride, Wall and Woo (2008), to determine the importance of psychology-based practice on a company’s productivity. They studied 308 companies over 22 years and implemented the 7 practices. As a result of the study, it was concluded that none of the operational practices were directly related to productivity. Empowerment focuses on giving individual or teams’ responsibility rather than management. Extensive training is providing employees with a wide range of skills. Teamwork is a group of employees working together on a common task. Total quality management is based on the principle that quality control should be a part of the production process. Just in time is a system for making products in direct response to internal and external demand from customers. Advanced manufacturing technology includes a range of computer based machinery, such as computer numerically controlled machines, robots, and computers aided design and process planning. Supply chain partnering is trategic alliances through long term relationships with suppliers to guarantee that the right materials and components are provided at minimum cost. The case study has three hypotheses. The first hypotheses included empowerment, extensive power and teamwork would independently enhance company performance. This is based on the theory that empowerment required extensive skills in order for it to work, thus both of t hese practices underscore the effectiveness of teams. Also, learning from extensive training requires teamwork and problem solving skills, which provides the competencies on which team performance depends. The second hypothesis was that having total quality management, just in time, advanced manufacturing technology, and supply chain partnering will independently enhances company performance. The combined practices worked as a synergy, affecting each other. Lean production adds supply chain partnering in the mix, which in turns, bolster the other practices by helping to ensure all the other components. The third hypothesis was that empowerment, extensive training, and teamwork will positively interact with total quality management, just in time, advanced manufacturing technology, and supply chain partnering to predict company performance. Stevenson (2007) also uses the seven practices in his book. Total quality management (p. 427) involves everyone in the organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction. The just in time (p. 694) concept believes in a processing system in which goods move through the system and services are performed just as they are needed. Empowerment (p. 428) believes in giving employees the responsibility and the authority to make changes to accomplish their task. Cross training workers (p. 07) to perform different parts of a process and to operate a variety of machines adds flexibility and value to the worker. Some organizations use self directed teams (p. 329) to achieve a higher level of teamwork and employee involvement. They are empowered to make certain changes in their work processes. Stevenson has several advanced manufacturing technologies described in his book. To name a few are computer aided manufacturing, numerically controlled machine (p. 246) a nd robots (p. 247). All of them depend on the level of automation a company need. Every job wants to improve and get better over time (even the military). The military also focuses on the 7 practices of empowerment, training, teamwork, total quality management, just in time, advanced manufacturing, technology, and supply chain partnering. With the budget cuts, shortage of personnel and the concept â€Å"do more with less†; the military has to strategize just like civilian company. Normal every day function that were usually a soldier’s unit responsibility, but now the soldier is required to maintain and perform himself. In conclusion, this article, focuses on the importance of psychology based practices; empowerment, extensive training, and teamwork to sustain competitive advantages within human resource management. Once the companies fully implemented the seven practices, their overall performance did improved. References Stevenson, W. J. , (2007) Operation Management (10-ed) New York. McGraw- Hill/Irwin Birdi, k. Clegg, C. , Patterson, M. , Roberson, A. , Stride, C. , Wall, T. , & Woods, S. (2008). The Impact of Human Resource and Operational Management Practices on Company Productivity: A Longitudinal Study. Personnel Psychology, 61(3), 467-501.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Hey, be careful and dont do anything stupid, my dad said to me right before I hopped into Chase Millers dark blue Chevy S-IO with a camper shell on the back. I looked at Chase and Tyler Becker and said, Lets go camping. As Chase pushed down the gas pedal, a big cloud of black smoke shot out of the back of the truck and the smell of burning motor oil filled the cab. It was in July, and we wanted to go camping. I asked my dad if we could go up to our familys cabin in Elk Springs, which is near Montrose. He agreed, so Chase, Tyler and I, all sixteen years old, packed our stuff and were ready to go camping. With excitement, we Jumped into Chases truck, and took off to the woods. It takes a good hour and forty-five minutes drive to get there from my house, and the drive gets a little boring. Chases truck was full of Junk. I found a roll of fishing line, and we got this bright idea to tie a piece of plastic to the end of the fishing line. I rolled down the window and threw out the plastic piece while holding on to the roll of fishing line. I let out more and more line, until the end was way out there. People would drive up to it and be confused, because they wouldnt see the fishing line, Just the plastic piece. Before I knew it, we were pulling up to the cabin. When we stopped, the first thing I did when I got out was take a deep breath. Then I said, What do you guys want to do? Chase Just shrugged his shoulder. Tyler suggested, Lets take a hike. We all agreed to that, because it sounded fun. As we were walking away from the cabin, I remembered that I brought a slingshot. I thought it would be fun to shoot rocks at stuff, so I suddenly said, Wait for me. I have o get something. I ran to my bag, which was still in Chases truck, and grabbed the slingshot. We took off into the woods. Every now and then we would stop, and Tyler and Chase would carve pointed sticks, and we would try to shoot birds, trees and other animals with rocks. We all sucked shooting the slingshot; we couldnt hit anything. As we were walking through the forest, we saw a clearing in the forest. We went to go see what it was. The clearing was a spot where people were logging. The logging company had all their equipment laying out everywhere. We slowly peeked our heads ut to see if the loggers were working. None were to be found. So, we walked up to the equipment to check it out. There was a big truck loaded logs on to the logging trucks. They had about four chainsaws laying there and another big truck that cut the trees down. Since it was private land that they were logging on, they didnt have to lock up. All the doors were open. Of course, we all had to get in them and play around with the controls. Tyler started to honk the horn in the semi-trucks. The horn hear us. About an hour passed, and we got bored of messing around with all their stuff, so we ecided to keep hiking. Tyler grabbed the slingshot and I made sure everything was put back how it was. As we were walking away Tyler was shooting rocks at the logging truck. We were about fifty yards out, and he couldnt hit it. Chase and I were standing there watching him, laughing and telling him that he sucked, because he couldnt hit a huge target. After about fifty shots and not one hit from him, Tyler said, Here, you try. I have to take a piss. I grabbed the sling shot from him and picked up a round pebble, about the size of a small marble, off the ground. I loaded the pebble in the eather pouch and drew both my hands up. With a firm grip of the handle of the slingshot in my left hand and squeezing the pebble in leather pouch with my right hand, I slowly pulled back. When the rubber band was fully stretched out, I closed one eye and took aim right towards the truck. Before I even thought about what I was doing I let go of the sling. The sling snapped forward launching the marble size rock towards the truck. A split second later, the rock crashed threw the window, and the sound of breaking glass filled the air. I remember yelling, OH SH#@! LETS GET OUT OF HERE! Tyler couldnt even finish what he was doing. We all hauled butt out of there as fast as were could. After we were a good distance away, we stopped, let Tyler finish what he was doing, and let my nerves calm down. I took a couple of deep breaths and something horrible popped into mind: my dad saying, Dont do anything stupid. I felt so bad. We decided to go back to look at the damage. As we were going back I was trying to figure ways out of this. When we got there, there was glass all over the place. The whole window was blown out into tiny pieces of safety glass. Tyler got an idea to make it ook like an accident. His idea was to lean a tree up against the truck to make it look like it fell and broke the window, but there was only one problem, there were no trees around. They had logged them all. Then I got an idea, which wasnt much better. My idea was to find a dead bird and put in on the seat by the broken window, making it look like the bird flew through window. We walked around looking for a dead bird. We had no luck. Then we all took turns shooting rocks at birds to try to kill one. No luck there either. By this time it was getting late and we were getting hungry, so we tarted to head back to the cabin. All night I couldnt get Dont do anything stupid out of my head. My conscience was getting to me. I tried to think of ways to tell my dad, and how harsh of a punishment he would give me. I woke up about 10:00 a. m. , and I heard the loggers working. We decided to go see. As we got closer, we made sure that they couldnt see us. While hiding behind trees, Tyler started to make a howling noise. The man with the chainsaw heard the noise, shut off his chainsaw, looked around, and then he went back to work. Tyler did it a second time, even louder than the first. This time the man shut off the chainsaw, set so we took off running through the woods, laughing all the way back to the cabin. When we got back, we started to pack to get home early. We Just got done packing up, and this gut ache came to me. I was getting nervous to go home. I kept thinking what my dad said to me. We Jumped into the truck, and took off to go home. On the way home, I decided to tell my dad when I got back. We pulled into my driveway and I got really nervous. I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my stuff. I could hear my dad say, Dont do anything stupid in my head ver and over. As I walk up to the front door he was there to greet me. He asked, Did you have fun? With a sorrowful look on my face, I replied, Yeah. I broke a window. Before I realized what I was saying, I had told him. I thought he was going to go off on me and give me a harsh punishment, but he didnt. He Just told me to do what I think is best. I ended up talking to the owner of the logging company and paying $104. 31 out of my pocket for the broken window. I should have listened to my dad a little better when he told me, Dont do anything stupid.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

War of the third Coalition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

War of the third Coalition - Research Paper Example The five articles were located using the Google search engine using key words such as â€Å"Third Coalition† and â€Å"Napoleon I.† Peer reviewed scholarly articles were excluded from the search results, along with encyclopaedia entries which were in any case usually rather superficial. The selected internet sources are briefly described in turn with an emphasis on deciding how accurate and useful they are for academic purposes. Text 1 â€Å"Napoleonic Wars† (FAMT, undated). This source is an aticle on the whole series of Napoleonic Wars which has a brief paragraph on each of the coalitions. There is no author mentioned, and no firm date, although the site does suggest that all articles have been written between 2008 and 2010. The most striking feature of the article is its breezy style, and use of imaginative and emotive language, for example â€Å"Napoleon taught the Austrians another lesson at the Battle of Ulm in 1805, but it didn’t last very longâ₠¬  (FAMT, undated, p.1) This kind of comment is not very specific, since the phrase â€Å"taught the Austrians another lesson† gives no quantitative details of troop numbers, or indication of tactics, or indeed any details at all about the apparently decisive Battle of Ulm. There are serious doubts about the objectivity of this article, and this can be seen both in the content and in the nature of the website which hosts it. The anonymous author’s conclusion is flagged as being controversial, and indeed the claim that â€Å"Anglosphere money power financed Napoleon’s remarkable career† (FAMT, undated, p.1) gives a hint that there is a hidden agenda. The author acknowledges that â€Å"this is not a popular view of Napoleon† (FAMT, undated, p.1) and hints that more research might produce evidence to support it! The website hosting the article is set up to resemble an information/news/reference site, modelled on a newspaper, as its title â€Å"The D aily Bell† suggests. Its express purpose appears to be â€Å"to promote and support the widespread advancement of laissez-faire economic principles† and this betrays a strong political and ideological bias. This site is not suitable as a secondary source for information on the Third Coalition and Napoleon but it is perhaps interesting as a primary source on the way contemporary political organisations are attempting to use the internet to re-write, or re-interpret history in order to support particular beliefs. Text 2 â€Å"The French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars† (Hickman, undated) This source is a formal narrative giving bare facts about the events in Napoleon’s career, including the War of the Third Coalition. It gives a few key dates, and provides hyperlinks for key persons and places such as â€Å"Lord Horatio Nelson† and â€Å"Trafalgar†, along with some images of classical works of art which illustrate scenes mentioned. As a histori cal source it is accurate, but much too superficial to be of any use to serious researchers. There are no sources given, and although there are further topic headings pointing the reader to other â€Å"Ask,com† pages, it is clear that this text is nothing more than a few bare facts with no analysis or theoretical debate. It is impossible also to check whether the author has selected the most important items to list, and indeed it could be argued that the extreme summary falsifies the complexity of the events described. One positive feature of the text is that the author’

Sports Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Sports Psychology - Essay Example The inches we need are everywhere around us. They are in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to pieces for that inch. We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch. Cause we know when we add up all those inches thats going to make the fucking difference between WINNING and LOSING between LIVING and DYING,† the character of Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday. Motivational speeches are necessary as any sports psychologist will tell you. Mental preparation allows athletes tap that extra strength that usually comes out when at the height of enthusiasm. That’s why you hear about people lifting cars to save someone or jumping at heights not even Michael Jordan could have one for a game winning shot. Sport psychology professionals use all devices to help an athlete get motivated such as imagery and, like Al Pacino, deliver a speech as if humanity’s existence depends on it. Psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson developed a hypothetical law that relates arousal with performance in 1908, based on biopsychology and neuroscience research. This is called the Inverted-U hypothesis. The theory says that as the arousal of an athlete increases, so does the performance. It will continue to increase until it reaches its peak. After that, if the arousal continues, the performance deteriorates. This hypothesis explains how the person’s arousal can affect its performance. It tells that a person’s performance can be maximized on a certain level of arousal. But the relationship between the level of performance and the level of arousal comes with the condition; both too low and too high level of arousal can produce low level or poor performance, while a moderate level of arousal can produce a high positive level of performance. This theory is illustrated on a diagram with two lines representing the arousal and the performance

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Effects of shift work on employee's and their family Essay

The Effects of shift work on employee's and their family - Essay Example Why, however, point out the nature of shift work in such detail? When employees work these dramatically difficult hours for the sake of industry, it tends to put constant stress on the household, including the domestic marriage and, when applicable, the children as well. It is important to highlight that shift work not only affects the industrial worker, it also impacts individuals in law enforcement and various other forms of employment. Hence, problems in the home with extended shift working and rotational schedules can be cited as a widespread issue in today’s society. Shift workers and their family members experience significant domestic complications as a direct result of shift work, negatively impacting the quality of life for many households. It is relatively common knowledge that the average person requires six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, somewhat consistently, in order to function at their fullest potential. This includes issues of a well-adjusted metabolism, a positive immune response, and even mental health and well-being (Weiten & Lloyd, 2005). Oftentimes, when an individual works long shifts throughout the average workweek, the demands of the household make it virtually impossible to find quality time and relaxation after a difficult work day. In many instances, in households with younger children and increased family obligations, six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is next to impossible to achieve. Studies have suggested that sleep deprivation is often linked to the difficulties of adjusting to shift work, with larger health outcomes including depression and increased anxiety (Morris & Maisto, 2005). All of these health-related issues impact the family when tensions run high within the household o r when health matters require attention and medical expenses increase. Businesses, today, put a great deal of demands and stress on their employees as they drive them to assist in building higher productivity

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Routines of Decision Making Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Routines of Decision Making - Math Problem Example 2. The maximum purchase price for the pair of bindings is $10.00, as this is the cost of production that differs between the alternatives. In case if the price is higher, the company will be realizing a loss. 3. If the production increases from 10.000 units to 12.500, the fixed costs that change between the alternatives allocated to a pair of skis would be the following: 10.000 / 12.500 = $0.8. The fixed cost of 100.000 should be considered when making the decision, as it does not differ between the alternatives. Since all the rest of the production costs remain unchanged, we can simply add the net change in fixed cost from the total cost of production that varies between the alternatives in order to receive the cost of production for a pair of bindings under the new circumstances: 10.00 + 0.8 = 10.80. When considering the long run (30,000 sales form by the end of the third year), the fixed overhead that varies between the alternatives per pair of bindings is only $0.33 (10.000/30.000). Under this sales volume the company should produce the bindings itself.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Texas Education Budget Cuts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Texas Education Budget Cuts - Essay Example The expression describes an act of desperation; a deal with the devil done to provide short-term relief that merely forestalls a now-guaranteed disastrous long-term consequence, for it turns temporary hunger pangs into inevitable starvation. To eat the next year’s seeds is to fail to invest in the future. It is myopic generational theft that insidiously steals from tomorrow by mortgaging the future. Such is the same with Texas’ ill-conceived plan to cut public school budgets. We’ve all heard the mantra that the future is high-tech and in Texas, even traditionally low-tech industries like oil exploration have gone high-tech. According to Southwest Economy: The history of Texas lies in cattle and oil. But increasingly, the future of the state is becoming linked with the ever-evolving high-tech industry. High-tech employment has grown more than twice as fast in Texas as it has in the nation during the 1990s...The high-tech expansion has had an indirect impact on the state's economy by keeping other industries humming [...] One of the best examples of the indirect effects is the impact on the state's construction and real estate industries.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Puberty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Puberty - Essay Example Social awkwardness occurs naturally if a teen girl develops breasts before the rest of her girl friends her age, or if a teen boy develops hoarse voice earlier than the other boys his age. This could affect their self-esteems as well, thus presenting a social impact. The article â€Å"Childhood Sexuality: An Interpersonal –Intrapsychic Integration† by Singer presents two implications on the society by early sexual maturation. First, childhood sexuality lays the foundations for adult sexual pleasures. This means that if a teen girl or a teen boy reaches the age of puberty earlier than the accepted age, this would lead to an earlier advance to adult sexual relationships that can heavily impact the society in a somewhat negative manner. In fact, it can even imbalance the society in a way that would be seriously distressing for the parents of children who sexually mature earlier than necessary. Second, as the level of psychological development is also decreasing with the de creasing age of puberty, the child can get over-stimulated even on brief display of public affection. This occurs in part due to their immature ego because they naturally have not had enough time for the proper development of their self-regulatory and defensive senses owing to earlier age of puberty.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Int Econ Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Int Econ Term Paper - Essay Example The paper attempts to examine how far the economic growth in Vietnam and the Czech Republic in recent years is attributed to a large scale FDI received by them. The paper also explores about the impact created by FDI on exports from these countries. Impact of FDI in Vietnam Vietnam moved to market economy in 1986. Since then Vietnam has been able to witness exponential growth in gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita income. Vietnam's average growth rate between 1986 and 1990 is estimated at 4.4 percent that went up dramatically to 8.18 percent during 1991-95. This resulted into almost threefold increase in per capita income between 1988 and 1995; however, Asian financial Crises in 1997-98 acted as a dampener and the GDP growth rate slumped to 4.8 percent in year 1999. During the five-year plan of 2001-05, economy of Vietnam grew at the average rate of 7.48 percent doubling per capita income at US $639 when compared with 1997 level. And all this is attributed to the huge FDI tha t Vietnam received during the period. Between 1988 and 2006, total 8,266 FDI projects were registered with capital outlay of over US$ 78 billion. In 2006 alone, Vietnam attracted FDI to the tune of almost US$ 12 billion (Hoang and Tubtimtong, 2010). Varamini and Vu emphasize, "There is a statistically significant relationship between FDI and the rate of economic growth in Vietnam" (137). They strongly recommend that Vietnam should further revise their economic policies. If the Vietnamese government forays reforms in banking and financial sectors then huge portfolio investment may flow in Vietnam supporting FDI inflows. It is important to note that all in all 76 countries have provided FDI inflows in Vietnam in past two decades. Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea form a largest group of countries having invested in Vietnam comprising over 46 percent of the total FDI (Varamini & Vu). Anwar and Nguyen argue that substantial economic reforms and trade liberalization policies has c aused massive inflow of FDI resulting into substantial economic growth in Vietnam. Their findings reveal that a relationship does exist between imports and FDI and exports and FDI in Vietnam for the period between 1990 and 2007; however, the impact of FDI on exports is significant during the post-Asian crisis period rather than pre-Asian crisis period. Not only exports but also imports surged during the period with the rising FDI. Foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in Vietnam have played a significant role in increasing export base. While counting for FIEs share in total manufacturing goods export, it has gone up from only 20 percent to over 50 percent during the same period (Athukorala and Tien, 2012). Weakness in having global distribution networks, lack of brands and economies of scale are principal reasons restricting the growth of exports in developing economies. The crux lies in export-oriented manufacturing activity. That is why export-oriented FDI has done miracles in Vietn am; the Vietnam’s case reveals that transitional economies can serve as a strong export platform for MNCs. Authors emphasize that cheap labor and an improved legal environment has made Vietnam a potential place for multinational companies. It is estimated that a 1 percent rise in FDI inflows is expected to increase Vietnamese exports by 0.13 percent (Xuan and Xing). Impact of FDI in the Czech

Advantages and Cost of Adoption in Australia of International Financial Reporting Standards Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Cost of Adoption in Australia of International Financial Reporting Standards Essay The issue of adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRSS) in Australia has been controversial issue since the first time Australian Financial Reporting council (FRC) announced the policy in 2002. Many believe that IFRSS adoption will lead to great advantages such as enhance financial report comparability, improve quality of financial reporting, attract more foreign investor, and other significant advantages. However, some also believe that the adoption merely result in disadvantages and cost for Australian business, accounting profession and even Australian government. Before deciding to fully adopt IFRSS, in 1996, the AASB issued Policy Statement 6 International Harmonization Policy with objective to ‘pursue the development of an internationally accepted set of accounting standards which can be adapted in Australia’. There were several considerations why government decided to do so: 1. ‘The existing arrangements for accounting standard setting are confusing, inefficient and not conductive to stakeholder participation 2. There is duplication between the AASB and PSASB 3. Australian Accounting Standards are not understood in, and are out of step with, the major capital markets in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and Europe, resulting in higher costs of capital for Australian Business 4. The standards setting process is perceived to be dominated by the accounting profession and there is no real accountability to its users 5. Accounting standards do not reflect modern business practice, being too prescriptive and overly technical that imposing excessive costs on business 6. The process involved in standard setting have failed to attract broad input and the necessary level of financial support, with the result that accounting standards are not meeting the demands of constituents’ (CLERP 1997, pp. 11-12, cited from Pickeet. al, 2006). Despite those reasons, IFRSS adoption is promoted because several claimed benefits potentially arising from the policy especially for Australian Business. The most claimed benefit is attracting foreign investors due to lowering cost of capital. Cost of capital can be decreased because IFRSS adoption can diminish ‘premiums associated with the risk of not fully understanding the financial report’ (Collet et. al, 2001, cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. ). Another hypothesis is that IFRSS adoption can reduce ‘home bias’ that discourage investors from making cross border investment. One of factors contributing to home bias itself is the expensive cost of information about foreign investment (Kang and Stulsz, 1997 cited from Cofrig,V. M. , Defond, M. L. , Hung, M. , 2007). By adopting IFRSS, it is hoped that information about foreign investment can be easily obtained and understood because it is generated from universal standards that are more familiar for investors. In addition, high accounting quality, transparency and comparability are commonly associated with financial reporting produced based on IFRSS that is internationally recognized and represent worldwide best practices. Those attributes alleviate ‘information asymmetries between managers and outside investors, thus increasing liquidity and ultimately lowering the required rate of return’ (Diamond and Verrecchia, 1991, cited from Daske, Holger, 2006). Association between higher accounting quality and IAS/IFRSS itself has been examined by Barth,M. E. , Landsman, W. R. , Lang, Mark H. in 2008. They investigate firms from 21 countries that applied IAS and found that those firms generally ‘evidence less earnings management, more timely loss recognition and more value relevance of accounting amounts’. It has been suggested that IFRSS adoption benefits Australian business trough saving in reporting costs. This benefit especially applies for Australian Business that wants to list their stocks in other countries’ stock exchanges. It is obligation for companies to fulfill specific different requirement regarding financial reporting of each countries where the companies are listed. By adopting IFRSS, companies do not need to generate more than one set of financial reports to comply different requirement and regulation. It is also easier for multinational companies to consolidate their financial statement, thus it saves time and money. Beside easy consolidation, IFRSS adoption also simplifies appraisal process of companies to takeover or merger with overseas enterprises and improves management control due to increased comparability internal management report between different segments or branches. For multinational companies, it will ease transfer of accounting staff across countries as well (Uddin, M. S. , 2005). Furthermore, a reduction in audit cost might be experienced by companies, because adoption of global standards (IFRSS) merely require global audit tandards, tools or systems that usually cheaper than specific products or services. This audit commoditization will close the expertise gap between the big five and force them to reduce audit fee. (Perera et. al, 2003,cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. ). For Australian government, fully adopting IFRSS is highly likely result in cost saving because the government does not need to spend money for AASB. It is evidence that Australian government spent huge amount of money for domestic accounting standards formulation. Another advantage is that the government can ‘distance itself from any future corporate collapses, which tend to raise questions about the role of accounting and the quality of accounting standards in such incidents’ (ibid). Take example of HIH collapse. Furthermore, it can avoid miscalculation of investors’ tax liability, particularly tax related to income from overseas sources accepted by multinational companies (Uddin, M. S. , 2005) (global acceptance). Despite cost saving, IFRSS adoption might also increase overseas companies listing in the ASX (Haswell McKinnon, 2003, cited from Gerhardy, P.G. , n. d. ). It also retains Australian companies listed on ASX. It is argument of Stoddart (1999, cited from McCombie, K. ,n. d. ) that ASX’s rigorous support on full adoption of IFRS is due to ASX’s ambition to become ‘the main exchange in the Pacific Rim’. Despite those enormous advantages, it has been argued that IFRSS adoption lead to significant costs. The main argument is that IFRSs do not consider local needs and priorities as every country has their own ‘business environment, legal systems, cultures, language and political environment’ (Henderson and Peirson, 2000 cited from Malthus, S. 2004). However, to overcome this problem, IASB can accommodate flexible reporting standards that enable companies to choose alternatives that are more suitable for their external condition. It is opinion of some opponents of IFRS adoption that IAS is ‘insufficiently detailed’ (Uddin,M. S. , 2005, p. 4) that require accountants’ and auditorâ€℠¢ professional judgment. However, overly detail might be contra productive and not flexible in anticipating every changes and differences. Education for stakeholders related to changes in financial statement is considered as significant as well. In a way, companies have obligation to ensure these users understand the changes. Companies also need to provide education and training for staff to adapt changes from preparing account using national standards to international standards. Since changes not only affect external reporting system, but also internal reporting such as budgeting system, this training might require huge amount of money. Often, companies need external experts in anticipating the changes such as actuaries and valuation experts that also need a lot of spending. However, this transition cost is only initial investment that is short term; the cost will be diminishing once companies have already been stable with the new systems. Learning from UK, based on a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, majority companies in the UK suggested that transition from local accounting standards to international standards would not require high costs (Malthus, S. , 2004). Coming to the accounting profession, it has been argued that IFRS adoption also bear costs due to the policy. Those costs might come from the need to re educate members of the accounting profession itself. However, this argument is questionable because as a profession, accountants should improve their capabilities by ongoing training and education no matter what. Negative impacts of adoption of IFRS on rule makers such as Federal government and AASB have been public’s concern as well. Regarding federal government, it is argued that support devoted by federal government for IFRS adoption (Brown and Tarca, 2005) might put government ‘under political pressure not to impose rules on Australian companies that are inconsistent with those applied to companies in other countries’. In term of AASB, adoption of IFRSs raised questions about the role of the body. By adopting IFRS that replace local standards, AASB might lose its status and role. This loss arguably hurt nation’s sovereignty because Australia somehow is ‘one of the world’s leading authorities on accounting’ (Haswell and McKinnon, 2003 cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. , p. 24). AASB might also have limited influence on the standards formulation process under IASB, thus Australia’s interest and relevant environment might not be covered by international standards. However, this costs can be diminished as suggested by Carrol (2003d, cited from Gerhardy, P. G. , n. d. , p. 75) ‘that if Australia is to ensure that future standards developed by the IASB are relevant to the Australian environment it is necessary that Australia is positioned ‘as an influential leader in the international business environment’’. Having considered both advantages and costs, I would argue that benefit arising from IFRS adoption will be in the longer term worth the effort. The main reason for that is huge economic benefit arises from the IFRS adoption. On the surface, economic benefit is merely enjoyed by multinational companies and investors. However, it will trigger Australian economy development because multinational companies represent greater percentage of Australian economy sources that absorb high number of employment. Small medium companies (SME) that is argued might become parties bearing most cost will benefit from multinational companies as a business partners such as supplier, particularly if Australia promote specific regulation to encourage the mutual partnership. This will be domino effect that boost another sectors, thus benefit whole community. In addition, education cost that is claimed as significant cost only borne for short term and will be diminished in the long term. Education and training itself is inseparable part of accounting as a profession that need ongoing training to enhance capability and professionalism. The last reason is that IFRS adoption might be inevitable due to globalization that diminish border across nations and increase interdependency between nations.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Environmental Scan Paper Essay Example for Free

Environmental Scan Paper Essay For any company to survive in the business environment, they must be accustomed toward any situation within the environment because of certain issues, perceptions, chances, and resources. These are such reasons every business must observe any applicable changes, which can occur within the environment and invent from existing policies to adjust toward variations. For any company to succeed the company will need to conquer the trials and tribulations of the constant shifting environment. An environmental scan were conducted for the two following companies Starbucks, and Cocoa Cola. With the environmental scanning it will increase their chances and distribute their resources in the expectation of the constant changes within the environment. Starbucks was originated in 1971 in Seattle Washington on Pikes Place Market. Starbucks is a specialized whole bean, ground coffee, and tea business/distribution. Over the course of their years Starbucks until this present day builds relationships with millions of customers in over 17,000 stores all over the world. Starbucks are known in Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, and Wales. As it has been read Starbucks are very much known all over the world. Of course Starbucks just is not about coffee, they are also specialized in more than 30 different blends of coffee both hot and iced. They also make smoothies (for the health conscious), and different variety of teas such as black tea, green tea, calm tea (herbal tea), and passion tea (herbal tea) just to name a few. Starbucks also sells pastries, sandwiches, yogurts parfaits, salads, fruit cups, and oatmeal. Of course they also make (which is what they are known for) the infamous Frappuccino. The internal environment of the Starbucks company is a representation of the general conditions, which affect their aptitude in executing a successful strategy. The internal elements are their growth of strategy (diversified portfolio), brand management, and human resources. The external environment of the Starbucks company are focused on competition, which are within the same business as them, legal and, political changes, opportunities such as environmental concern, and the demographic social issues such as income per household. Coca Cola one of the major producers, supplier, and vendor of the soft drink industry sells a variety of up to 35,000 different products ranging from their regular soft drinks, to clothing, and collectable toys. Coca Cola sells four of the five top selling soft drink beverages, which are Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, and of course, Coca Cola. The Coca Cola company also sell water, juices, and sport drinks. The internal environment for Coca Cola have key attributes, which include competence in the production method, from excellent communication and management skills. For the Coca Cola company to monitor their internal environment, they would need to evaluate the process, which by they can take action on the factors that would cause any kind of inadequacies on the phases of production. Such things as obesity, scarcity, and quality of water have changed the nonalcoholic beverage business, which include changes with consumer preferences based on health and nutritional research. Because of the research consumer taste and needs have changed and also because of the changes of the law and new regulations the Coca Cola company needed to adopt the additional warning requirements, and additional labeling for the warning requirements. Coco Cola understands that the external environment may affect the business and its revenues. The increases and decreases of the economy, the attitudes from consumers, the principals of the consumers, and the demographics of society have a big impact on Coca Colas revenue. Competitive Advantages and Current Strategies Starbucks Starbucks has contributed toward the green movement by informing the public they will only deal with the suppliers that meet the Starbucks standards for sustainable development. Starbucks understands the social influence and how it can ether force a change or contribute toward a change because the company understands that individuals are becoming more concerned with the preservation of the planet earth, which is why Starbucks have teamed up with the Green Team to established company wide recycling, reduction of waste, conserving energy, and conserving water programs. Another concern that Starbucks have taking into consideration are the publics growing concern of healthy eating habits. It is imperative for Starbucks to guarantee that their products are not labeled as unhealthy, so they have added more health conscious choices such as salads, smaller portions of pastry, and healthier liquid choices for the health conscious consumer who enjoys the Starbucks environment. Coca Cola Coca Colas strategy is to target the distinct market groups that are divided by competitive intensity and socioeconomic levels. They have implemented a planned product, pricing, and packaging strategy through certain channels of distributions so they can gain operational efficiency within the company. Coca Cola have used such events as the Super Bowl and the World Series to attract the consumers attention with their commercials. The customer surveys help the Coca Cola company with their marketing strategy and show, which adjustments would need fixing. Such marketing strategies such as phone surveys, social media, mail surveys, e-mail surveys, and text messaging assist the company on further marketing strategies on improving their revenue. Such things as market leadership, joint ventures, managerial expertise, inventive business solutions, and flexible organizational structure have giving Coca Cola a competitive advantage (Coca-Cola FEMSA, 2010). Coca Cola also provide managerial expertise training programs to improve their abilities, The inquiries for both companies on sugar content in the products have increased. Also there are negative doubts about their recipe of sugar content effecting weight control, pop culture, and society. Over the course of the years Coca Cola have adjusted their recipe because they are using crafty marketing and distributing smaller products so criticism can decrease on their products. To improve further recognition in Latin America the Coca Cola company have had joint ventures with companies in Mexico and Brazil. They also have plans on heightening engineering and supply capacity so they can boost operational effectiveness. References Business Unit. (2010). Retrieved from Coca Cola . (2012). Retrieved from Recycling and Reducing waste. (2012). Retrieved from Goals and Progress . (2012). Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Commentary On Voltaires Candide

Commentary On Voltaires Candide Voltaires work, Candide, uses powerful satirical narrative to represent slavery in the eighteenth century, the supposed Age of Reason, and Candides epiphany, represented throughout the course of the extract. The passage follows the travels of Candide and his fellows to Buenos-Aires, in search of his beloved Cunà ©gonde. After five days of travelling, he arrives, with Cacambo, outside the town of Surinam, where they encounter a mutilated slave. The theme of slavery is represented most effectively through the descriptions given by the characters, rather than the physical description of the scene provided by the narrator. A slave or negrave is found on the ground. His physical position, cute;tendu par terre, reflects his social class and the degradation of slaves. The slaves garment, un caleccedil;on de toile bleue, is hardly weather-proof or durable, highlighting the poverty endured by slaves and the ruthless attitude of their masters. Voltaire withholds the name of the slave, emphasising the disregard for human life implied within society. Nà ¨gre is used to represent the entire slave population. This pejorative term further highlights societys attitude. However, it is important to note that Candide first calls him mon ami, indicating his open nature, perhaps a reflection of Voltaires opinion of slavery. Whilst the masters of slaves are very disrespectful of their slaves, the nà ¨gre calls his keeper maà ®tre, showing a profound respect. To add to masters grandeur, the slave recalls his position in society, qualifying it with the adjective fameux. In this paragraph, the depiction of slavery is brutal, with the tragedies of the workplace and punishment discussed with a banal acceptance. The language used when the slave describes how la meule nous attrape le doigt, on nous coupe la main; quand nous voulons nous enfuir, on nous coupe la jambe gives a feeling of breathlessness and the futility of his attempt to escape. This description of suffering draws accurately on legislation concerning delinquent slaves set out in in the 1685 Code Noir.The description also draws a parallel between the relationship between the slave and his master. Voltaires use of restrictive adverbials, such as ne†¦que demonstrate the physical effects of cruelty on the slave. The language used by the slave i s resigned, with a repetitive use of passive structures such as on nous. The slave then coldly states, cest à   ce prix que vous mangez du sucre en Europe. This simple statement highlights the corruption, not only in slavery, but in all levels of society. Leibnizs philosophy of Optimism is evident in the representation of slavery. The slaves resigned account shows an acceptance of life shared with those who follow the belief of Optimism. Leibniz claimed that both human and moral evils were part of a greater good.This is further emphasised by the qualification of slavery by the mother of the slave as un honneur. The slave adds an optimistic cependant; this sudden element of bathos reinforces Pangloss meilleur des mondes outlook on life. This optimistic view, personified through Pangloss, contrasts greatly with Candides opinions after witnessing the situation. The absurdity of Optimism, with reference to the slave-trade, is shown when Cacambo asks, Quest-ce que quoptimisme? Cacambo has not used an article before optimism, emphasising how little he cares for it. With reference to the novel as a whole, Optimism is only mentioned directly within this passage. As soon as it is mentioned, it is denounced. Further to the slaves account, he co mpares his situation with that of des chiens, des singes et des perroquets. The animals might possibly represent the different social classes within society. The passage emphasises how slavery was represented in monetary terms; the slave was sold by his mother for ten à ©cus patagons, the currency of Spain at the time. Moreover, throughout the slaves account of how he came to be in this position, it appears that slavery was represented differently in the West from the homelands of the slaves. The nà ¨gre recalls how his mother told him ils te feront vivre heureux, describing it as an honour to work for nos seigneurs, les blancs. It is interesting that the masters are classed as les Blancs. Voltaire divides society not only by social class, but also by race. It is clear that the people of Guinà ©e were disillusioned by the notion of slavery. The confusion is further emphasised by the religious theme central to the passage. The lexical field of religion emphasises the religious beliefs of the slaves, a central theme in their African culture. Evidently, the slave is religious, as he attends church tous les dimanches. However, Voltaire highlights, yet again, the corruption within society by making it clear to the reader that the slave had been converted. The Pasteur claims that they are tous enfants dAdam, blancs et noirs. This contradicts his earlier statement of the masters being les blancs. Like his clothes and culture, his religious identity has been stripped from him. Here, Voltaire is criticising the social system of the period. It is clear that the slaves are taught what they know not to be true, yet they accept it as it is the way of the world in which they live. Despite Voltaires thought-provoking depiction of slavery in the passage, it is interesting to look critically at Candides attitude to the situation. When he first encounters the slave on the road, he addresses him in a friendly manner, symbolising his naivety and lack of understanding. Voltaires portrayal of Candides naivety is referenced even in his name. Candide is taken from Latin and connotes whiteness, openness, naivety, innocence and, more negatively, inexperience and credulity. The passive language of the slave throughout his description of his horrific ordeal is a direct juxtaposition with the raw emotion portrayed through Candides reaction. The flaws in Panglosss optimism are clearly highlighted, especially during Candides discourse. W.H Barber suggest that the characters help Voltaire in his purpose of parodying the episodic adventure novel [making it possible for the reader] to view characters and narrative as it were externally, and consequently critically to become aware of the caricature and exaggeration, the deliberate implausibilities, the bathetic contrasts. Despite Candides denouncing of belief, he does little else to react to the situation. Candide merely begins to cry, leaving the slave where he found him. The reader criticises Candide for not helping to free the slave from his bind in society. Voltaire is provoking this response in the reader to make clear the effects of passivity. He also seems to regard the problem as so large and horrifying that [†¦] one can only weep and go on ones way, or presumably, continue to eat sugar with a guilty conscience. Throughout this passage, irony plays very little part. However, other narrative techniques are employed. Personal deixis is used when Candide is talking to the slave. He asks, que fais-tu là  , mon ami, dans là ©tat horrible oà ¹ je te vois?Here it is impossible for the reader to understand the situation and the horrible state that the slave is in without reading into the context of the question. The theme of culture can be thoroughly examined in this passage. Talking en hollandais, Candide emphasises his European background compared with the African culture of the slave. Division within society is clearly illustrated when the slave tells Candide that his mutilation is the price that he has paid to eat sugar en Europe. Voltaire demonstrates that the world is divided. Interestingly, the slave understands Candides Dutch, highlighting their cultural awareness, the importance of communication and the enforcement of other cultures upon slaves. The cultural toleration of the slaves is juxtaposed with the attitude of Western civilisation. African culture appears to be more family-oriented when compared with Candides upbringing. The slave refers to his mother, ma mere, showing his respect for the advice given to him by his family. Throughout this passage of Voltaires Candide, slavery is represented in a number of ways, most notably by the description provided by the slave himself. In addition, Candides attitude highlights the philosophy of Optimism that Voltaire aims to discuss throughout the entire book. It is said that the narrative of Candide is [..] a vehicle carefully designed to convey a philosophical discussion of topical concern both to the author and reader. In conclusion, Voltaire has employed a palette of narrative techniques to enrich this passage of the book. Word Count= 1,490 Bibliography MHRA format Barber, W.H., Studies in French Literature 5, Voltaire: Candide (London: W.H. Barber, 1960) Cronk ,Professor Nicholas, Voltaire and the Voices of Enlightenment, read by Simon Russell Beale, (BBC Radio 3, 2010) Mason,Haydn, European Masters  : Voltaire (London  : Hutchinson, 1975) Williams,David, Voltaire:Candide (London: Grant and Cutler Ltd, 1997) Voltaire, Candide, Presentation by Jean Goldzink, (Paris, Editions Flammarion, 2007)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Donato di Donatello :: Essays Papers

Donato di Donatello Donatello was one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His real name was Donato de Betto di Bardi. Donatello was born in Florence in 1386 and died at 1466. He grew up being called Donatello, which means â€Å"Little Donato.† There is very little known about Donatello’s family, except his father was Nicalo di Bardi a wool comber. There is no record of Donatello ever being married or having children. Donatello began his career as a goldsmith. At the age of twelve, he began working in the shop of the great architect Brunelleschi in 1399. Next, Donatello had the opportunity to work as an apprentice for the most famous sculptor of the time Lorenzo Ghiberte. He assisted Ghiberte in constructing and decorating the famous bronze doors for baptistery in Florence. Each bronze door contained fourteen sculpted panels with scenes from the New Testament. It took Ghiberte almost twenty years to complete the doors. This experience of studying under Ghiberte continues to influence Donatello’s style of sculpting for the rest of his life. Donatello’s first work of art, which was recognized, was a larger than life, statue of St. Mark. The statue measured seven feet nine inches and was sculpted out of marble. This was his first great sculpture. It took him more than two years to finish. The thing that is most remarkable about the statue is the penetrating gaze of St. Mark. â€Å"Michelangelo is reported to have said that he had never seen anyone who looked more like a honest man then Donatello’s statue of St. Mark.† Donatello’s earliest sculptures were very realistic In 1415 Donatello was commissioned to sculpt a statue of St. George, the slayer of dragons. The statue stands today in Florence. It took him two years to complete the six foot nine inch statue. The statue of St. George is that he seems very alive. The youthful looking St. George is dressed in a full suit of armor and his eyes are fired on his sword arm. Although, the statue stands firmly you almost sense that he is ready to move. The body language of St. George suggests a person ready for battle. The face and pose of St. George is very vivid and controlled that is compared to the classical Greek and Roman sculptures. By the time Donatello was in his late thirties, wealthy people were buying his sculptures. The Medici family of Florence commissioned most of his works.

Abortions and Mens Rights Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Men Essay

Abortions and Men's Rights Are you a man? Have you ever dealt with the issue of losing or being in the process of losing a child in which you took part in making? It’s difficult to truthfully answer these questions if you’re not a man and if you haven’t experienced abortion first hand. January 22, 1973 marked the beginning of a moral and political revolution in this country that would forever change many lives 1. The landmark decision ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court to legalize abortion with unrestricted procedures would profoundly affect women and men’s lives. But the American society forgot half of the population that would be traumatized by this experience, just because they were men. Throughout the limited information available on this topic it was clearly evident that men do suffer both emotional and physical symptoms due to a personal abortion. Abortion is considered an inhuman procedure according to pro-life activists, but if it’s the only option a female is willing to take to correct a mistake then it’s a decision that needs to involve both sides that created the â€Å"problem.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the decision comes down to abortion, where are the rights of the father? The way the law functions is that the father has no legal say in what happens to his unborn child. He is denied any rights to defend his child he cannot say one word about the continued existence of his child in the womb. The Supreme Court’s decision literally stripped the father of all his parental rights regarding his own flesh and blood during the first nine months of his son or daughter’s life. Only at birth can he engage in the child’s life and have full rights along with obligations granted to him. How is it that the courts paved the way for women to dispose of a fetus if they want to with nothing stopping them because it’s their body? Yet the men that helped create this new being has no say in what could or should happen with the life of the unborn! As many as 600,000 males annually, from all walks of life â€Å"do time† in the waiting rooms of t he nation’s five hundred or so abortion clinics 2. They are expected to sit and wait until it’s okay to visit their significant other in the recovery room or time to leave. And no one ever thinks ‘how does he feel about the abortion’?’ or ‘was there a factor that motivated him to take part in this decision?’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How does that waiting... ... be debilitating his life. Many men return to, or discovered his religious faith. Allowing him to bring a sense of joy and knowing he has complete, divine forgiveness. Whatever positive approach the male takes to curing his broken heart it will make a difference in the years to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Abortion is a far greater dilemma for men than researchers, counselors- and women- have even begun to realize. Men of all ethnic backgrounds, ages, and socioeconomic levels have trouble dealing with abortion- and sometimes more trouble than women have. Unable to bear children themselves and powerless to prevent their partners from terminating a pregnancy, men who care are the silent sufferers, bewildered and frustrated by their emotional responses†¦9.† The whole process that takes place in order to abort a baby is life changing and should be dealt with honest and intelligent feelings. A women and man should communicate on the matter and decide what is best for the both of them. It took to conceive it should take two to decide the future of the unborn and that of the adults involved. â€Å"A fertile women can decide to have a baby almost anytime she wants. A man cannot 10.† He needs to be involved.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Monster Essay -- Biography, Kody Scott

Kody Scott, also known as â€Å"Monster† for his viciousness in beating of a man and further crimes, forms a realistic and brutal picture of gang violence in America. Throughout his story, Scott views his gang participation as the only viable means of survival. Killing is done through the necessity to promote oneself in order to become an O.G., or Original Gangster, the pinnacle of gang member status and achievement. The urge to become an O.G. seems to be paramount in Scott's eyes, and he outlines his plan: first he must build his reputation, then his influence as part of his set, and finally as a â€Å"promoter† of the Crips (Shakur, 1993, pp. 14-15). By age eleven Scott's sole desire is to become a gang member of his local set, the Eight Trays. He disregards education, at one point stating how he paid no attention to his middle school teacher, focusing only on the streets and his â€Å"homeboys† as source of lifestyle and adventure (Shakur, 1993, pp. 3-4). He c learly reaches his goal, putting the entirety of his mental and physical being into being a gangster, even though it leads him to a life wreaked by violence and prison sentences. While many factors can be reported to showcase the reasons why an individual would be led to such violence, ethology remains the single most accurate theory in explaining the many facets of gang violence by showing the parallels between animal behavior and the lifestyle of gang members. Ethology also attempts to explain the violence exhibited by humans as corresponding to violence displayed by animals. For predatory animals, violence is necessary for survival and adaptation to the surroundings is vital. Genetically humans are closest to chimpanzees, which â€Å"routinely engage in murder, assassination, rape, raid... ...suit of a promoted street war and personal achievements of status and further violence. Kody Scott's tale of the street war in Los Angeles in which he witnessed and played a dramatic part in is punctuated by the reasons behind his deviant behavior and adherence to a lifestyle focused on violence. By studying the behavioral patterns of animals in ethology, the traits of predatory animals which must fight and guard in order to stay alive is the same intensity of the battle to survive in the case of Monster's reality. Each of Monster's action's proved to be founded in the culture he was born into along with his personal desire to see his acts of violence glorified. Without the drive to commit himself to a rational lifestyle, Kody is swept into the maelstrom of gang-banging, all of its twisted faculties accepted due to an equally twisted and antisocial personality.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dealing with Employee Problems Essay

Dealing with Employee Problems Introduction Share a time when you have encountered one of the six types of people described in the article                   In my stay at Virgin-Atlantic Research and Development RD department, I encountered different characters, which were annoying. Most workers were in the marketing department who wanted disrupted other members in other departments. In particular, there was Mike (not his real name), who wanted to show that he knew it all. We also had Jennifer (not her real name), who was an interpreter and a slacker. In our department, we were faced by this challenge of Salome (not her real name) a grump, who thought we despised her negatively. Additionally, in our department we were faced by a challenge while dealing with Timothy (not his real name) for his ever-shouting attitude on the phone. Despite multiple interventions to assist these individuals, it was clear that their conduct could not change. For that reason, I thought of a strategy of how to deal with such employees when a situation of need arises. The incoming section will, therefore, be analyzing what I did; th e seconding section will analyze what I should have done. Describe the situation and how you dealt with him or her                   I have to confess that it was a problem dealing with these characters. Michael and Timothy presented more problems as compared to Salome and Jennifer combined. Timothy was the most problematic to me directly since we were in the same department, even though his problem was manageable. To deal with him, I opted to remain silent when he was talking on phone. Michael could visit the department occasionally, to deal with him I could just walk out in the park. Salome was the most tragic since her problem could lead to total communication breakdown, for weeks or even a fortnight depending on the nature of the last encounter. To deal with her, I could wait until her moods comedown. Jennifer, who presented two problems, an interpreter and slacker, presented a serious challenge to this organization. To respond to her unique demands, I avoided her presence more often. Using the advice given by the author of the article, what can you do the next time you encounter a person of this type?                   However, avoidance did not solve these problems. Next time when I happen to service the same department, I will find a way to communicate decisively. To respond to Jack’s disruptions, I will tell him that I have a deadline to meet, and I need more time to concentrate with it. When it comes to Timothy, I will wait for him to terminate his call. I will request him out for a cup of coffee and explain to him politely how his conduct on the phone disrupts the department. Responding to the Salome moody problems, I will try to understand her personality by asking her to my own office where I will tell her that her present condition was unprofessional (Lyles, 2014). I will try to deal with what is easier for her, so that she does not take it negatively. Finally, to respond to Jennifer two problems, I will just ignore her when she comes to slack around. If it affects my work, by slowing down her activities in the marketing department, it will be advisable that I tell her straightforward, that her excessive character was affecting other departments. Similarly, while responding to her know it all character, I will talk with her to ensure that she finds comfort with her knowledge alone (Green, 2014). References Green, A. (2011, June 6). How to Deal With Annoying Co-Workers – US News. Retrieved December 19, 2014, from Lyles, M. (2014). Organizational Learning, knowledge creation, problem formulation and innovation in messy problems. European Management Journal, 132-136. Source document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

1920s Fashion Abstract

twenties means compendium The Roaring 1920s, was a period in the States of social evolution. There were changes in the areas of transportation, music, art, dance, and even language just toname a few areas. Fashion endured the most outstanding changes in many phases. There were changes in dress and dressing techniques. Hairstyles and products took a deviate for the better as well. As a result, many of the citizens who were able to reach stark naked heights in dress and tomentum cerebri design also acquired a peeled attitude to accompany the new styles in expression.Many of the elegant and expensive sacraments shared out today by the modern bourgeoisie are direct results of the changes of the 1920s. The results of a bad World War I were that America entered a period of prosperity. With the stock commercialize flourishing and women entering the workforce in that respect was room to expand other thanfinancially. costume changed with the society. The conservative dress code of women was tweaked, and sportswear became a norm for working women. Shorter and to a greater extent maneuvearned run averageble clothing became available for spry women. attire that revealed skin gave women a find of ignition. As skirts became brusqueer, necklaces, particularly strings of pearls, became longer. bronze or flesh colored stockings was make popular. Formal wear for men include tail coats for tuxedos, and cummerbunds. The tuxedos either had rolled collars face up in silk or notched collars. round-eyed leg trousers and tweed jackets were introduced for men as well. Children were also impacted during this era of devise reform.Spotted cotton dresses and suspenders were corporate to be worn by children. Many geometrical forms and shapes were implemented into the designs of 1920s clothing, to add a level of flamboyance. Children were also impacted during this era of fashion reform. Spotted cotton dresses and suspenders were incorporated to be worn by children. Fas hion had the biggest impact on womens liberation through hairstyle. The biggest impact came with the event of women thinning their hair for a shorter hairstyle.For some families it was a problem for the wife or missy to cut their hair, it was not considered motherly. However, with women adapting to more active voice lives, the shorter haircut saw an increase in the image of women wearing it. Many of these women wore hats to accompany their short hairstyle. The premier hairstyles included the BOB, riff waves, and marcel waves. Many of the bob hairstyles were set up to fit with the womans face. I noticed that many of these hairstyles were not through with black hair in mind. neer the less, black women were able to adapt to these styles in the years following. Fashion has always been influenced by the mode of transportation, the architecture of the period, cultivation of the priming coat and the customs of the people, as it was in the 1920s. Clothing developed closer relationship s with art, kinetics and an increase sense of freedom with carefully selected fabrics, and an gifted use of color. Beautifully coordinated and accessorized outfits were a feature of 1920s ladies fashions.Hats, shoes, stockings, handbags, dresses and jewelry all came together in harmony to create a unique and elegant style that rotter only be appreciated when seen in real-life or. Men and children also saw a fashion shift. More importantly the fashion movement of the 1920s was a emblem in the liberation of womens rights. Bibliography altogether historical information derived from the following textual matter book How to make you own 1920s dress tirocchi. stg. brown. edu/514/story/fashion_twenties. html www. 1920-30. com/fashion/hairstyles www. kaboodle. com/reviews. model_behavior_1920s www. oldmagazinearticles. com

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Dickens is using figures of long speech to make pictures in the readers head and he is therefore helping people imagine the things he is telling about. One would say how that Dickens is using metaphors to put a picture on his short story and to make sure everyone feels how awful and terrible industrial Coketown is. â€Å"Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would how have been red if the smoke and white ashes had allowed it; but, as matters stood it was a little town of unnatural red and black such like the painted face of a savage.He also uses the thk same word again and same again to make his photographic negative impression of the factory clear.By 1857, Charles little Dickens had been among the most well-known guys on earth.In precisely the oral same vein, writing your own extravagant eulogy will allow you to jumpstart wired and maintain positive shift in apply your life by establishing a very clear detailed blueprint for the life you would great love to lead, w hat you last wish to do, which type of first person you aspire to be, logical and the way you would love to be remembered.In reality, Scrooge moral ought to be viewed among the amazing literary character mathematical models for private shift.

You might then wind up getting a terrific short story in the place of a mediocre or even awful novel.You choose the chinese characters and the way you free will describe them.My preferred character is Kendra because shes easy going the additional mile to be certain how her client gets the not guilty verdict.Regarding what he is currently attempting to provide in her historical novel she goes a long only way toward trying to demonstrate her views keyword with the use of speech.

The book is somewhat slow by modern standards, but its so hilarious.A book was new born from the impetus.For the choice is to how find the movie.The book is small for explanations.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Alexander Hamilton vs Thomas Jefferson Essay

horse parsley Hamilton and doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas Jefferson had in truth unalike policy-making views, which is wherefore our prototypical pre billet of meatnt, George Washington, had them twain in his cabinet. Hamilton was the number one escritoire of the Treasury, eon Jefferson was the prototypic repository of State.These disparitys jibe with who they intellection should order and what eccentric of presidency was the outgo. Hamilton popular opinion we should lay down a watertight commutation organization in the interests of occupation and industry, duration having the home(a) organization in charge. However, Jefferson mat up that the large number should precept with a de underlyingized, agrian organization in the toll of immunity and the good deal should retrieve themselves. They withal had impertinent ideas for what parsimoniousness meet us best(p), Hamilton believe it to be industrial and Jefferson accept the best was agricultural.along with those conflicts, they didnt rival with how the institution was to be interpreted. Hamilton was a well-to-do constructionist, scatty to overreach impending to the position of the underlying arrangement ruling. Jefferson was a unyielding constructionist, accept that the opus was to be followed closely.Lastly, their unlikeness in ideas helped create policy-making factions. They became dickens sides, the Federalists and the Antifederalists or Republicans. black lovage Hamiltons side was the Federalists, they stood for the urban mercenary interests of the seaports. Thomas Jeffersons was the Republicans who delineated the grey and countryfied interests. horse parsley Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had actually several(predicate) semipolitical views, which is why our premier(prenominal) president, George Washington, had them both in his cabinet. Hamilton was the send-off deposit of the Treasury, era Jefferson was the inaugural secretari al assistant of State.These differences start out with who they thinking should govern and what fictitious character of political relation activity was the best. Hamilton legal opinion we should have a absolute substitution organisation activity activity in the interests of business and industry, age having the content government in charge. However, Jefferson matte up that the mess should direct with a decentralized, agrian government in the term of exemptionand the good deal should radiation diagram themselves. They alike had hostile ideas for what thrift fit us best, Hamilton accept it to be industrial and Jefferson believe the best was agricultural.along with those conflicts, they didnt agree with how the piece of music was to be interpreted. Hamilton was a unclouded constructionist, scatty to bewilder close at hand(predicate) to the panorama of the central government ruling. Jefferson was a strict constructionist, accept that the fundamental law was to be followed closely.Lastly, their difference in ideas helped create political factions. They became two sides, the Federalists and the Antifederalists or Republicans. black lovage Hamiltons side was the Federalists, they stood for the urban moneymaking(a) interests of the seaports. Thomas Jeffersons was the Republicans who be the gray and rural interests.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dairy: Milk and Clover Essay

cl any over S. A. (Proprietary) trammel ( medick) is the biggest dairy farm farm briny(prenominal)frame in conspiracy Africa with a perturbation of R 4. 3 trillion and lag in dissipation of 6 000. medick collects roughly 30% of mho Africas draw tack on and answeres it into surface cognise mark dairy and associate intersection points which is correspondly distri muchovered across the country and pull d consume merchandi agreed into believe Afri lav countries.In this document, clovers away opportunities and little terrors, and its intrinsic violences and untoughenednesses exit be evaluated in exhibition to breeze through the germane(predicate) matr deoxyephedrines, where subsequently the g hoaryen dodging earthly concern substance bullock be employ to design for separately superstar(prenominal)ow strategies to shoot with the aboriginal opportunities, little terrors, strengths and helplessnesses legation and quite an a litt le Statements medicks flush (which answers the straits What is trefoils teleph wizard circuit?) is as fol wiped erupt(p)s medic is a mark foods and beverages class with a hefty idiom on cling to-added harvestings.medics s kayoedh Afri shadower dairy teleph adept decline is the stainless enabler to range the assemblages wide dispersed customers and consumers. comical kick is coachn to spring up scars which cast take plan the physique 1 or 2 positions in its elect segments. It believes in the professional procural, issue, grocery storeing, gross r regular(a)ue and dispersion of these injury consumer goods (BCG) to its fast(a) consumers. A limited polish of the explosive charge pedagogy shows that around of the 9 Cs (i. e. nodes, reapings, Markets, Technology, sum to for survival, harvest- home office and Profit tycoon, Philosophy, ego Concept, reside for cosmos film and pertain for Employees) break been utilize in a short-circuit program line. It is suggested that the quest of the scatterbrained 9 Cs be include or expound upon in the boot adjudge meet for employees Philosophy. Its imagination (which answers the dubiety What do we unavoidableness to bring to pass?) is as fol grimsTo be a leash and agonistical troupe in s turn uphwestward Africa and selected Afri lavatory countries, make some(prenominal) consumer on a unremarkable arse with its n to begin withhand(predicate) prise mark and trusted crossings, delivering ameliorate and sustainable sh atomic number 18h previous(a) value by universe a trustworthy merged citizen and preferable employer. A re belief of the spate bidding shows incorruptibleer and to a greater extent assent by clover on its differentiate than on its products.However, medics fantasy is roughly sure as shooting achievable, and in authorized aspects unity whitethorn plead that the hatful statement big businessman be outdated. THE outsi de judicial decision gate panopticly, the occasion of an outdoor(a) sagaciousness is to a come withs (in this chance medicks) opportunities which could put on it on the one hand, and on the former(a), scourges that should be avoided. commandly, these external forces sess be compartmentalise up into the fol low ge atomic number 18rs(a) categories stintingal forces cordial, cultural, demographic and environsal forces Political, political and levelheaded forces proficient forces and agonistic forces. distri enti affirmively(prenominal) of these categories ordain be discussed briefly, as s head as the opportunities and threats volition be tiped on a lower floor each heading. sparing Forces The stream and ongoing street corner had a banish intrusion on the lodges retardation fiscal egresss for the 6 months culmination celestial latitude two hundred8. more(prenominal) curiously and in the wrangling of clovers headman executive, Mr JH Vorster, a fresh multinational re solve on on dairy subjects give tongue to that the diligence faces a pure(a) thrust of crushing sparing forces and to the south Africa and medic could non incline these forces. The broad(prenominal) unemployment issues game (which incr allays by the twenty-four hour period) energize an collision on spendable income, which in consider has an impact on purchase behaviour, especiall(a)y towards mark products (which medick p beleaguers itself on), which as a in truth command find carries a equipment casualty perimeter.This, moreover, result happen to face a problem, and as such(prenominal), medick moldiness expect to ride the wheel of grade recognition to effort to balance itself a descendst the predominate forbid economic forces, which is get outn as a huge threat. A off the beaten track(predicate)ther threat is the risque number of farmers de fictional characterure the employment collectable to what they co terminously(prenominal)ly marches unaffordability. Social, ethnic, demographic and environmental Forces medick believes in personalized neighborly uplift, thereby non yet donating property in habitual, further macrocosm at a fourth dimension twisting in the upliftment.Its flagship upliftment course, mom Afrika, shortly subscribe tos in special of 10 000 slew. Appropriately, clover views this find a wide the next lines medics flagship CSI philosophy is belowpinned by the commandment of sustainability sooner of better-looking muckle handouts, it is expend in projects that en ascribable communities and set up their ability to conk out in computeent in the wide term. We cultivate the Mamas how to angle quite an than give them the fish. tally to clover, it believes thatThe familiarity is inextricably part of the club and impart whereforece, in scathe of support and growing, expect its hearty off chalk favorableness and proceeds atom ic number 18 pre-requisites to complete its amicable certificate of indebtedness at heart fiscal representation The community, primarily has to lead tariff for its own eudaemonia and testament embolden inwardly agency, be support in this It creates wealthiness through troupe taskes, employee taxes and levies which enable regime to move over and put previous substantial home wish roads, g modeing and health receipts Opportunities for work and prosperity be non tho created deep cut down the business, alone that it, in immediately, contri exclusivelyes to subcontract invention and besiegeing poverty. It what is more enforces exigent environmental governing techniques in tack together to cling to the environment. It is past that medick views the Social, Cultural and demographic Forces as an evoke opportunity. The full general harm of the environment is naturally a tutelage for clover, as closely of its biggest assets (i. e. cows) rely on a just environment. This whitethorn accordingly be seen as a (general) threat. Political, governanceal and heavy Forces General early and fore close to, medick mustiness visualize that the relevant agreements atomic number 18 in manoeuver with its retailers, expediency pass onrs and suppliers. These agreements must a bid be on a regular basis updated. fair playmaking The yester yrime decree pull up stakes be relevant to medick (or at least cogniseingness should be interpreted of these Acts at all times) The Companies Act, 69 of 1973The Companies Act, 71 of 2008 (which depart come into procedure during 2010) The Consumer security measures Act, 68 of 2008, which pass ons for, inhume alia, promoting a fair, neighborly and sustainable grocery store for consumer products progress of find to breeding Act, 2 of 2000, which provides for expungel to breeding by individuals and/or entities.Broad found macabre sparing authorisation Act, 53 of 2003, w hich provides for, eat up alia, ontogeny broad- base and staggering affaire of total darkness people in the preservationThe controversy Act, 89 of 1998, which provides for, bury alia, the investigation, check out and rating of legitimate restrictive practices (the amendments passed during 2010 holds grave consequences in for those who do non tie up to the pabulum of the Act). It cleverness headspring be that a clubs noesis of specific Acts as come toed in a high uper(prenominal) guide give be an opportunity. Similarly, a come withs ignorance leave behind be a threat to the hook up with.medic is an kick in up political party, has a good plane section and thereof its knowledge of the on-line(prenominal) law and rule be adequate. technical Forces medicks kind with its customers and clients argon solely calculator ground (IT based). It is wherefore of predominant sp add upour that all its IT be updated regularly (and adequately). Although it has an IT discussion section, clover does non surrender a tutor goal plenty to the Executive committal (such as tumesce-grounded and/or homo Resources). This is seen as a weakness. rivalrous Forces As mentioned in the general demonstration in 1. 1 above, medic collects almost 30% of sulfur Africas take out, loss 70% which is self- stash away by amid 200 to 350 different dairies in sulfur Africa. Of these, Parmalat (Pty) Ltd, Woodlands dairy farm (Pty) Ltd, come on dairy (Pty) Ltd, drawwood (Pty) Ltd and dairybelle (Pty) Ltd argon the biggest competitors.It does even so depend on the slip of products (for instance, Parmalat is the biggest mainframe of UHT (Ultra full(prenominal) temperature) take out in southernmost Africa) and geographically (for instance, Parmalat is the biggest distri but whenor of take out in the horse opera Cape). However, the mentioned companies ar competitors and competitors argon in general a threat. trefoil relies on its brand and extensive dispersal mesh topology to gain the militant advantage. some(prenominal) of the little competitors ar more than probable to endure due(p) to the flowing economic recession, thereby handsome medick the opportunities in compliments of feasible scholarships of act uponation food securities industry circumstances. A further threat is the (sometimes) ease with which competitors whitethorn be boffo in persuade farmers to trans whole kit one processor to a nonher.THE outdoor(a) ingredient valuation (EFE) hyaloplasm FOR medick mention foreign FactorsWeightRatingWeighted mark Opportunities 1. fadeout may condition augment in commercialize shargon0. 0820. 16 2. Social upliftment programme is highly successful0. 0540. 20 3. cognition of applicable ordinance and law0. 1030.3 4. come-at-able acquisitions of competitors0. 0810. 08 5. medic has mark products0. 1130. 33 Threats 6. scotch turning point is a non bad(p) impact0 . 2020. 40 7. Farmers going the pot0. 0820. 16 8. Agreements not updated regularly abundant0. 0540. 20 9. bran- crude and revise statute law places rattling(a) constrict on companies0. 0530. 15 10. recurrent environs declination is of concern0. 0340. 12 11.IT incision not conterminous plenty to direction0. 0320. 06 12. Competitors argon generally a threat0. 0730. 21 13. Farmers ar persuade to lead clover for its competitors0. 0720. 14 Total1. 002. 51 shoemakers oddment trefoil get ahead an second-rate of 2. 51 out of a possible 4. there is and then wide inhabit for breakment. THE immanent sagaciousness demonstrationBroadly, the end of an ingrained judging is to describe and list a fraternitys essential strengths and weaknesses. Generally, these inbred forces by medick tin rat be dual-lane into the following categories caution Forces takeing Forces pay / report Forces work / accomplishments Forces look for and growing Forces and an xiety selective tuition Systems Forces. As with the remote Assessment, each of these categories go away be enigmatically analysed and the strengths and weaknesses forget be listed under each heading. charge circumspection of clover has 5 base activities, viz. intend Organising incite Staffing and Controlling. guidance may be seen as actively cooking in show to take the company forward in line with its vision. However, the pauperismal bodily function may hand over taken a turn for the worst, as trefoil un alike(p)able down one of its situationories, and is in the process of restructuring and retrenchment. It is therefrom submitted that perplexity want is, at the moment, a weakness. unconnected from the above, the activities of focal point are be to adequately and the employees are unendingly back up to get into and vowelise concerns, even directly with management. selling on that point are 7 basic functions of selling, that is to say Customer sy nopsis trade products/service output and service supply price dispersion merchandising look for and fortune psychoanalysis.medic is considerably positioned in the trade and is a truly watertight mark company. That macrocosm said, its securities industry share has remained standing(prenominal) for the former(prenominal) category or two. clovers trade team is actually bullnecked, and wayes on the rude(a) products, earlier than take out. The main product of trefoil is indeed problematic to market.The view at this breaker point, is that medics prices of its products are sometimes excessively high, still the fact the Great Compromiser that medic is marketing an extremely grueling and well up cognise brand. finance / write up Strengths asshole rate early on future(a) shortfalls in the company and react.Had a compulsory gelt receiptss over last 6 category period. direct bring in was 22. 6% higher than 2007. Property, plant and equipment development from 2007. gracility change magnitude as a result of acquisition of 70% of mayonnaise Dairy by clovers crossroads game Danone trefoil. Weaknesses at that place was a 22. 8% increase nationally on operate expenses in 2008 and no mention of plans to combat same. order suffered tax loss. engagement complaint debt increase. money use increased by 26% from 2007. performance / trading operations clovers main product ( draw) is extremely biodegradable and as such, medic succeeds in place take out, in whatever form, in its furtherance deep down 48 hours after accretion thereof from the farmers. This is quite impressive heading in estimation that whilst most of its milk is placid at the beach (KwaZulu-Natal and east Caper) most are touch in the richlyveld. It is a concern that most of its factories are not close to its source, but medic is addressing this at the moment. Its forest control is well maintained, and according to clover, each litre of m ilk undergoes 55 woodland checks before leave the factory. explore and learning (R & D) clover survives on older products, but its R & D department is al ways interest exploring rawer and modern products. It is however rough to do with a product such as milk. unrivalled of its most in advance(p) products in fresh days were no alsothsome milk and vanilla milk. attention discipline Systems (MIS) It dexterity be argued that trefoils MIS is not up to scratch. It relies on data from the trade and work. in that respect is no information policeman in the company. info is collected as and when pass on and/or needed. upcountry work out evaluation (IFE) matrix FOR medick mark congenital FactorsWeightRatingWeighted realize Strengths 1. warinesss Planning, organising lag and dogmatic is good0. 1040. 40 2. snitch is very(prenominal) strong and and so marketing is somewhat lento and successful0. 2040. 80 3. tough marketing team0. 0530. 15 4. dollar volum e increases category on year for the past 6 years0. 0930. 27 5. ware and operation very strong0. 1140. 44 Weaknesses 6. wariness motivation low due to threatening restructuring0. 7010. 2 7. operating(a) expenses rose wine by 22. 8%0. 0620. 12 8. High overthrow but low profit margin (between 7% and 8%)0. 0510. 05 9. Factories similarly far away from source, thereby change magnitude production represents0. 0810. 08 10. Product may be seen as old and stagnant, thereby inhibiting R & D0. 0220. 04 11. MIS not adequate0. 0410. 04 Total1. 000. 002. 59 IFE result medic account statement of 2.59 is above absolved, indeed indicating average to more or less strong versed position. there is therefore big room for improvement, but it is not weak internally, which is positive. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ( organize). rig out analysis is a lance for auditing an organisation and its environment. It is the start-off stage of grooming and sponsors marketers to focus on signalise issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Strategies to rent in upward(a) trefoils commission statement humanity resources Applies to all actors along the cooking stove from manufacturing businesss to consumers.Producers go on grooming on breeding, feeding, carnal health, the contribution of institutions and groups. take out collectors and handlers training in clean milk processes requital systems. Milk procurement geological formation logistics environmental issues and concerns aim is to keep be as low as possible. experience management merchandise consumer teaching method and cognisance (e. g. school trips to dairies) cook the media so they prat cooperate promote milk campaigns naturalize health professionals so they know slightly the benefits. combat Producing high role milk at terminal cost whole step is connect to other elements government laughingstock provide loans, staged insemination, knowledge (training programs) Productivity. cliquish arena can provide knowledge, consultants, equipment explore and development on in the raw products and technology feed management (keeping cost low, property high) valuate accompaniment on that point is a phenomenal mountain train for innovations in product development, publicity and presentation. step should be taken to shut in value-added products like ice creams, flavored milk, dairy sweets, etceteraThis allow lead to a great bearing and flexibleness in the market place along with opportunities in the field of brand building. assenting of grow products like yoghurt and cheese lend further strength both in monetary value of workout of resources and mien in the market place. merchandise say-so Efforts to exploit export potential are already on.Clover should export to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the put East. succe eding(a) the new GATT treaty, opportunities willing increase staggeringly for the export of agri-products in general and dairy products in particular. Cooperatives greater sentience of farmers call for Clover should not come back that they are the exactly custodians or congressman of Farmers or the hardly ones protect the interests of Farmers. Clover should be open comely to come across and gauge out of the recess and to visualize and see what ways and means can help farmers baffle loyal and be more productive. tilt With so umteen an(prenominal) newcomers come in this industry, disceptation is congruous tougher day by day. only when then competitor has to be set about as a ground reality. It is large enough for many another(prenominal) to carve out their niche. rugged statistical distribution any is not well with distribution. except then if ice creams can be change to the highest degree at every recess and corner, wherefore cant Clover sell other dairy products too? Moreover, it is only a matter of time before we see the emergence of a ice-cold chain linking the producer to the icebox at the consumers home Perishability pasteurisation has surpass this weakness partially. UHT gives milk long life. Surely, many new processes will follow to improve milk lumber and cut through its shelf life. Clover ineluctably to overcome its R & D department.